Ross Graduates from High School!
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Class of 2001 from Lakota East High School
Ross graduated on June 3, 2001 from Lakota East High School. He was honored as one of the top 25 students in his class of over 460 students.

The Proud Graduate!
Ross in his cap and gown holding his hard earned diploma!
St. Anne Graduates!
Ross, (far left), with the other three seniors at St. Anne Episcopal church were honored for having graduated from High School.
The Cake!
The cake honoring the recent graduates!
Proud Family!
Ross' grandparents from Texas came up to see him graduate. Ross, his mom, and grandparents drink refreshments and talk about future plans!

Proud Grandparents of a Proud Graduate!
Guess where Ross wants to go to College! That's right. He is going to the University of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign to study Materials Science and Engineering.
Beautiful Day!
It actually rained on Graduation Morning! We had a party for Ross's graduation, thus the tent in the background.