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We've been into ponding for several years, but this page is for our Ohio pond!
We started this pond a looooong time ago, but several things got in the way of completion. It was completed in 1998 and is approximately 5600 gallons.

Pond from upstairs
This was in late Spring when all the flowers were showing off. The deck was new last year and it's great to sit down there and watch the waterlilies, the fish, and listen to the waterfall.
Colorado. This is one of my favorite images!
This is the waterlily "Colorado". It's a beautiful color and a profuse bloomer.
Biofilter and waterfall
This is the biofilter, made from a Rubbermaid stock tank. It is surrounded by fieldstone and runs all winter long, keeping a hole in the ice for gas exchange.
This lily was developed by Dr. Kirk Strawn from Texas A&M University. I have never been able to catch the magnificence of this color, although this is about as close as I've seen to the real thing. It's a very prolific bloomer, as well.
Shasta Daisies!
I love this time of year when everything is showing off!
Texas Dawn
This was developed by a friend, Ken Landon, from San Angelo, TX. It's the best yellow!
Rest of the Backyard
It's not the pond, but a shot of the vegetable and flower garden behind the bird feeder.